Who Do You Sleep With Every Night?
When we clean your mattress – a low moisture clean is preferable to pumping a lot of water into your mattress. This will take a long time to dry and may even promote the multiplying of these critters.
It's a scary thought, but each night we lay ourselves down to sleep, we share our bed with thousands of other critters and their by-products. Let's sleep on the concrete floor, then I hear you say, but no, this is not a solution.
Most of us are not bothered by dust mites and what they produce, but for some, it can cause asthma, allergies or just a lousy night's sleep. We can tackle this problem by getting our mattresses and bedding cleaned regularly.
For some, your mattress may need to be cleaned every six months, others 12 months, and some can even go two years.
Here's a formula we came across: Warmth + Moisture + Skin = Dust Mites